How to Convince Dads of the Importance of Having a Family Photo Shoot!

Convincing dads about the importance of a family photo shoot can be as challenging as capturing the perfect sunset—everyone knows it’s beautiful, but not everyone wants to wait for it. A recent study by the Australian Institute of Family Studies reported that 62% of Australian fathers spend quality time with their children on a daily basis.

"Capturing your family's essence isn't about a perfect pose; it's about framing those spontaneous laughs, high-fives, and bear hugs that happen on a simple Sunday picnic. It's those unguarded moments, immortalized, that we'll treasure long after our kids have outgrown our laps," says Archie Hewson—a family specialist and picnic essentials distributor at Picnic Blanket.

The statistic not only highlights the invaluable role dads play in their children's lives but also emphasizes the significance of preserving these moments, however when it comes to professional family photo shoots, many dads might balk at the idea due to concerns about cost and the often dreaded expectation of posing for the camera.

1. Cost Versus Value

The concern about the expense of professional photography is a common obstacle, however when dads understand that it’s not merely a monetary transaction but an investment in family heritage, he might change his mind.

A family photo shoot is about immortalizing moments that are fleeting, capturing stages of life that will pass in the blink of an eye. It's not about the money spent but about the irreplaceable memories created and preserved.

2. A Natural Approach to Photography

To ease the discomfort that dads may feel towards having their photo taken, I tell them to not look at the camera and to interact with their family. It isn't about forced smiles or stiff poses; it’s about the raw and real emotions that a family shares. Picture dads throwing their children in the air, sharing a joke that brings genuine laughter, or the tender moments of a comforting hug.

By capturing these candid interactions, the experience becomes less about posing for a perfect shot and more about living in the moment, making the photo shoot an enjoyable and memorable family activity.

3. After the Laughter

It’s not uncommon to hear that dads who were initially hesitant about a family photo shoot express how much fun they had afterwards. The activity itself encourages bonding, laughter, and shared joy that strengthens family connections. It’s these sentiments, reflected in the photographs, that dads come to cherish.

4. Timeless Bonds and Memories

Fathers play a unique and irreplaceable role in their children's lives, and a family photo shoot is a powerful way to celebrate this. These photos become a visual narrative of a dad's love, energy, and presence. They serve as a reminder of the happiness and bonds that will only deepen with time.

It’s about crafting a legacy of moments that, when looked back upon, will bring a smile and reignite the feelings of togetherness.

5. A Different Perspective

One approach to persuade dads is to shift the perspective from the photo shoot itself to what it represents. It’s not just about taking photos; it’s about celebrating the family's unique story. It’s a chance to step out of the daily routine and create a special occasion that the family can look forward to and reflect on with joy.

Capture the essence of Your Family's Story

Family photo shoots go beyond the temporary inconvenience or expense—they’re about capturing the essence of a family's journey together. Dads who see the value in this experience not only end up enjoying the photoshoot but also deeply appreciate the tangible memories created. It's about seizing the fleeting moments of today and turning them into the enduring stories of tomorrow.

I believe in the extraordinary beauty of ordinary moments. I specialize in natural newborn and family photography, capturing the tender beginnings that change your world. Family photo shoots are crafted to reflect the heartfelt connection of your unique family dynamics.

Book a session or call 0400 841 627 and embrace the chance to celebrate your family in the most authentic way. Let those memories fill the pages of your life with joy and nostalgia.

Article by: Jude Young